Thursday, November 27, 2008

Can't Sleep

It is now 4 in the morning and i am still awake. I don't know what it is but i can't sleep. i don't really want to sleep but i have nothing to do and i know that later in the day i will want to be doing stuff but i will be to tired. i just wish there was something i could do to make me go sleep.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Today is the day. The ballets will be cast and the answer will be made. Who will it be. McCain or Obama. The line outside the music office is long. The people are waiting on average 30 minutes. I guess that just shows the dedication of americans to pick the new leader of the nation. Now me i just drive about 10 minutes to my voting zone and walk in, play connect the dots, and leave. O the glory's of living in a small town.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I am in college. That is a fact that I very proud of and I love the time that i am spending and the people that i am meeting. The one thing i don't like is the lack of time i have. 
I have a history of wanting to be involved in everything and that has seemed to catch up with me in college. I am doing choral, musical, club, work and classes. Now to some that might not seem like much but the musical is every night except for wednesday, work is every day all afternoon, and classes well they are all the time. It kinda stinks when you have tons of homework but no time to do them except for the time of 11 at night to 3 in the morning. But it doesn't really matter if you get it done because you are so tired that you don't get up and go to class. Your Thoughts: 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Speaking In Chapel

This morning in chapel at Oklahoma Christian a woman spoke. The fact that a woman spoke is not what really bothers me. What bothers me is the topic and the fact that Oklahoma Christian allowed this topic. She spoke about homosexuality. Now I, being a Christian man, find homosexuality wrong but it is not my place to judge those who choose that life style. She spoke about it because 12 years ago she struggled with it. Now that is still not the problem. She was very encouraging to those who struggle with that and that is nice but the problem was was that she was very belittling to those who don't. She stereotype everyone in the audience who does not struggle with it saying that we are wrong to look down on this. The bible says that homosexuality is wrong. In the Old testament after judgement was passed the penalty was death. I am NOT saying that homosexuals need death brought upon them or that they can't be helped and changed. I am saying that I think it is wrong for them to look down on us for wanting to help them change. Your thoughts: