Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Speaking In Chapel

This morning in chapel at Oklahoma Christian a woman spoke. The fact that a woman spoke is not what really bothers me. What bothers me is the topic and the fact that Oklahoma Christian allowed this topic. She spoke about homosexuality. Now I, being a Christian man, find homosexuality wrong but it is not my place to judge those who choose that life style. She spoke about it because 12 years ago she struggled with it. Now that is still not the problem. She was very encouraging to those who struggle with that and that is nice but the problem was was that she was very belittling to those who don't. She stereotype everyone in the audience who does not struggle with it saying that we are wrong to look down on this. The bible says that homosexuality is wrong. In the Old testament after judgement was passed the penalty was death. I am NOT saying that homosexuals need death brought upon them or that they can't be helped and changed. I am saying that I think it is wrong for them to look down on us for wanting to help them change. Your thoughts:


Timothy Giddens said...

yeah i wasn't in chapel that day but i think that i would feel about the same way. what is wrong with us wanting them to live better? i think just as long as we don't push them away just because of it.

Anonymous said...

The Old Testament also says that women who have given birth shouldn't be allowed in a church for 2 weeks. It also says that a son who curses his father should be put to death. It also says that, if a priest's daughter has sex out of wedlock, she is to be burned at the stake. It also says that you can beat your slaves, as long as you don't kill them.

Do you support the death penalty for promiscuous women? Do you support slavery?

The King James Version of the bible, widely accepted as the first English translation, does not use the word "homosexuality." This is because there was literally no concept of this idea at the time. It calls "laying with another man as you lay with a woman" an "abomination." It also calls seeing your uncle naked an abomination. So, utilizing the transitive property, being gay = seeing your uncle naked.

Jesus made it very clear that he was the way, the truth, and the light. In fact, he took a stand and contradicted the entire Old Testament at one point. Maybe you remember? He was asked by people attempting to deceive him which of the Ten Commandments was the most important. Instead, he said that HIS two commandments were more important than the Ten: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind; and love your neighbor as yourself.

He doesn't ask you to judge your neighbor. He doesn't ask you to tell your neighbor when you think he's doing something wrong. He doesn't even ask you to feel compelled to "save" your neighbor. All he asks is that you love him.

No mortal is allowed to look down upon another for his sins, for we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. There is no hierarchy of sins, for each of them saddens God. But when we show God that we see past those sins and love the individual unconditionally as God loves us, then he is eternally happy, and rewards us with living eternally with him in happiness.

Trent said...
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Anonymous said...

Also, any idea of a man sleeping with another man was widely considered an act of rape rather than a consenting relationship.

Also, homosexuality is not "against nature" as many people claim. The other intelligent species on the Earth, gorillas and dolphins, engage is same-sex relationships as well.

Can animals sin?